
Three Musketeers of Theology - Scripture, Tradition, Culture

Theology can helpfully be understood as a three-way conversation, a trialogue, involving Scripture, Tradition and Culture. It is important to understand how Scripture, Tradition and Culture can combine to deepen our understanding of some of the core beliefs that form the very heart of our Christian faith.

The New Problem of Evil - N.T. Wright

Excerpts from
 God, 9/11, the Tsunami, and the New Problem of Evil

"The Gospels thus tell the story, unique in the world’s great literature, religious theories, and philosophies: the story of the creator God taking responsibility for what’s happened to creation, bearing the weight of its problems on his own shoulders. As Sydney Carter put it in one of his finest songs, “It’s God they ought to crucify, instead of you and me.” Or, as one old evangelistic tract put it, the nations of the world got together to pronounce sentence on God for all the evils in the world, only to realize with a shock that God had already served his sentence. The tidal wave of evil crashed over the head of God himself. The spear went into his side like a plane crashing into a great building. God has been there. He has taken the weight of the world’s evil on his own shoulders. This is not an explanation. It is not a philosophical conclusion. It is an event in which, as we gaze on in horror, we may perhaps glimpse God’s presence in the deepest darkness of our world, God’s strange unlooked-for victory over the evil of our world; and then, and only then, may glimpse also God’s vocation to us to work with him on the new solution to the new problem of evil...

Is God really like Jesus?

Why would a dying 19 year-old solider and an ageing old woman ask the same question before they die?

One Tribe at a Time (3) - How tribes work

Major Jim Gant 2009.  Produced and published by Nine Sisters Imports, Inc., Los Angeles, California USA. A vailable at http://blog.stevenp...