
Strategic failure in Iraq

Soon after the Americans arrived in Iraq, Bremer published two orders. The first disbanded the Baath Party that had dominated Iraq for five decades and banned the upper ranks of the Baathists from holding management positions in government or industry.

Bad Strategies - Notes on Iraq

Choosing to Fail - When you fail to plan, you plan to fail

The cause of the internal conflicts now raging in Iraq was not the endstate that the Bush administration proposed for Iraq—although the endstate should have been modified to reflect the many cultural obstacles to establishing a democracy in the Middle East. The real problem was a failure to establish ways and means to reach that endstate. The only part of the ways and means to be realized was the first objective: eliminating the regime of Saddam Hussein through military invasion. Beyond that, the American concept was so vague that it could scarcely be called a strategy. Because the ways and means to establish a new democratic Iraq were never thought out, the U.S. military forces and civilian administrators in Iraq lost control of the situation the moment American forces occupied Baghdad in April 2003. (p.182)




  • 祈求天父的保護(身體和屬靈上)和力量抵抗ISIS的進攻。
  • 為各部族和地區領導人祈求智慧,面臨ISIS威脅時為他們的社群作最適合的決定。
  • 近年來,越來越多穆斯林思考甚至質疑自己信仰。祈求當這些穆斯林呼求神的時候,神以祂的聲音和夢親自向他們顯現,讓他們得蒙耶穌基督裡救贖的確據 (徒28:28)。
  • 祈求有興趣認識基督教的穆斯林能找到聖經和其他基督徒,幫助他們明白福音和被栽培。 (徒8:27-38)。

One Tribe at a Time (3) - How tribes work

Major Jim Gant 2009.  Produced and published by Nine Sisters Imports, Inc., Los Angeles, California USA. A vailable at http://blog.stevenp...