
What are the different ways Christians can pray in the current ISIS crisis?

Pray for Muslims in ISIS-affected areas

Muslims are targeted by ISIS as much as Christians are, sometimes even more. Shia Muslims, Kurds, Yazidis, and Sunnis or other secular Muslims who refuse to pledge allegiance to ISIS are to be slaughtered according to ISIS magazine 'Dabiq'. 
  • Pray for God's protection (both physical and spiritual) and strength as they resist ISIS advancing troops.
  • Pray for wisdom among the tribal and regional leaders to make the best decisions for their groups when confronted by ISIS.
  • As the world is appalled by the atrocities committed by ISIS, more Muslims are asking questions about the religious beliefs they have been taught. Pray that these Muslims will call upon the one true God,  and that God will reveal Himself to them through His voice and dreams. Pray that these Muslims will too find the assurance of salvation though Jesus Christ (Acts 28:28).
  • Pray that Muslims who have developed interest in Christianity will be able to find the Bible and Christian groups that can help them understanding God's Word and be discipled. (Acts 8:27-38).

Pray for Christians in ISIS-affected areas
  • Protection from physical harm: The dangers they are facing include kidnapping, amputation, rape, losing their homes and entire livelihood, torture and murder. Pray for God's comfort, joy, and special anointment of His people in front of the enemies (Psalms 23:3-5).
  • Spiritual protection: Pray the Holy Spirit will strengthen their faith in the face of death (Acts 1:8, Romans 8:35-39).
  • Pray for God's peace that transcends all understanding to cover His people (Philippians 4:7).
  • God's people as Salt and Light: As Christians are being targeted by ISIS, world media is watching their reactions closely. Pray that the world will see who the true God is through these Christians' actions (Isaiah 43:10, Matthew 5:17).

Pray for the media

The media (news press, videos, online forums, social media) is an integral part of ISIS's grand strategy of psychological warfare in undermining the enemies, in recruitment, and in consolidation of its legitimacy. The media has increasingly become a major spiritual battlefield.
  • Pray for God's divine intervention whenever ISIS aims to instigate deception and fear through the media. Pray that lies will be exposed and God's truth will be revealed.
  • Pray that the world audience (esp. the young audiences) have the wisdom of discernment to recognize ISIS' propaganda strategies and recruitment schemes online.
  • Pray for truthful coverage: that news agencies will choose to report wisely and shrewdly in favour of righteousness over publicity (Matthew 10:16).
  • Pray for protection and blessings upon the works of journalists (radical Islamists do not consider journalists as civilians because of their importance). 

Pray for politicians in the West and the Middle East
  • Pray for truthful understanding of the crisis and ISIS' strategies, and for political and socio-economic decisions that bring out justice and tackle the roots of the problems.
  • Pray for wisdom of discernment and compassion for civilians especially in military decisions
  • Pray that they too will receive salvation (1 Timothy 2:2).

Pray for ISIS leaders and their followers

Whenever ISIS fighters boast about their martyrs, they always say "May Allah accept him." They are not completely sure about salvation even in martyrdom.
  • Pray for God's direct and divine intervention in their lives (e.g. Paul in Acts 9).
  • Pray that these fighters' desire to please God and enter paradise will lead them to examine critically their actions and beliefs, and come to meet the one true God (2 Corinthians 13:5).
  • Pray for the unwilling fighters who are coerced to follow orders: pray for deliverance from evil and guidance from God as they find their way out.

Pray for Iran

Iran is one of the decisive factors in the development the ISIS crisis.
  • Pray for the government of Iran, that God will anoint a godly man to govern Iran with justice and compassion for the people.
  • Pray for all the underground churches in Iran: pray for protection as they worship and learn about God's Word in secret. Pray for gospel opportunities and strong discipleship.
  • Pray that Christians in Iran will witness faithfully and influence effectively throughout Iran
  • Pray for God's divine guidance to Iran's leadership in exercising Iran's influence on Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and various Shia militant groups. Also pray for wisdom for western powers in their diplomatic handling of Iran.

Pray for Iraq and Syria

These two nations have already taken the full blunt of ISIS' deadly force with most of their major cities and villages under siege. 
  • Pray that security forces in these nations will resist ISIS' advance. 
  • Pray that the years of political chaos, sectarian violence and corruption in these countries will be put under control.
  • Pray for all the humanitarian efforts that are undergoing: for special protection for the aid workers
  • Pray for wise and godly leaders to govern Iraq an Syria.
  • Pray that Christians in these nations will witness faithfully and influence effectively.

Pray for Jordan, Egypt and Libya

These nations are vulnerable to future attacks of ISIS due to their strategic locations and/or political turmoils

  • Pray for political stability 
  • Pray that security forces in these nations will resist ISIS' advance. 
  • Pray that the leaders of these nations have the knowledge and intelligence in preventing further radicalization that are happening
  • Pray that Christians in these nations will witness faithfully and influence effectively

Pray for Turkey and Italy

Both Istanbul and Rome are mentioned as the future battlefields in ISIS' vision of the 'Malahim' (Armageddon). These are key strategic locations if ISIS wants to launch attacks on Europe. 
  • Pray for protection for these nations and their people.
  • Pray for wisdom for Turkish and Italian political and military leaders.
  • Pray for revival of all the churches across Turkey and Italy.

Pray for Muslims around the world

Numerous Muslims around the world are increasingly feeling disillusioned and confused in Islam. Yet most of them choose to hide their doubts in order to please God. Vast majority who have decided to leave Islam choose to give up on all spiritual matters and embrace atheism.
  • Seeing the Middle East plunged into violence decades and decades, many Muslims around the world are asking spiritual questions they have never asked before. Pray that when these Muslims call upon God, they will find answers and the assurance of salvation though Jesus Christ (Acts 28:28).
  • Pray that God will reveal Himself to all Muslims who thirst for God, that they all come to taste the Living Water with true satisfaction and receive salvation with absolute assurance.
  • Pray for wisdom as these Muslims read the Quran and the life of Mohammad that their eyes will be opened to the true essence of Islam.

Pray for yourself

ISIS sees the current phenomenon as the end times, in which Muslims around the world will unite to defeat once and for all the Crusaders (the West and Christians), Israel and all apostates (non-Muslims) in the world. As far as they are concerned, every person in the world is involved.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit strengthen you as you live the life that is worthy of the Gospel and calling (Ephesus 4:1)
  • Pray for love for the Muslim people and understanding of their beliefs, cultures, and needs.
  • Pray that God will open the doors for you and show you how to witness to Muslims in your community

More prayer resources:
Prayer guide by Release International -
Prayer guide by Open Doors -

One Tribe at a Time (3) - How tribes work

Major Jim Gant 2009.  Produced and published by Nine Sisters Imports, Inc., Los Angeles, California USA. A vailable at http://blog.stevenp...